Inclusion & Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Every one of our 400 pupils, 60 staff, 600 parents and 15 Governors is a unique individual. We respect and celebrate our great diversity and aim to raise aspirations and achievement for all.


Our Pastoral lead, Natalie Boyne is available to work with children and parents whose families may need some additional support due to circumstances in their lives. If you would like to talk to the pastoral team, please do not hesitate to contact Natalie Boyne (Pastoral Lead & Mental Health Lead) on


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

We have a number of children who may have additional learning needs and have a wealth of experience of early identification, intervention and support. Please see the documents below for more information.

Our Accessibility Plan is also available on request. This document outlines how we are working on making learning at Clifton Green as accessible as possible for all pupils.

You can also find information here:

Parent carers – York SEND Local Offer


For more information please contact our SENCO:

English As An Additional Language

We also have a wide range of families from overseas hailing from 20 countries and speaking 25 languages. All families who arrive in the city and at the school are supported through this transition and we have a dedicated member of staff to support the early stages of learning English.

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