Copyright © 2025 Clifton Green Primary School all rights reserved. | VAT No. 87654321 | School URN: 121283 | School DFE: 816/2018 | Charity No. 1052389
Remote Education will be provided when children cannot attend school due to self-isolation or where national or local restrictions require children to remain at home. A pupil’s first day or two of being educated remotely might look different from our standard approach while we prepare for a longer period of remote teaching.
Clifton Green Primary School provides Remote Education through the online platforms, Tapestry (EYFS and Y1) and Google Classroom (Y2-Y6). These services allow us to provide a range of activities including directing children to online and offline resources and teaching videos. They also enable teachers to give regular, specific feedback to children about the work that they ‘hand in’ virtually and it is a brilliant way for school staff to keep in touch with children and their families.
Further information about our Remote Education Offer, including details of the responsibilities of staff, children and families and information from City of York Council, can be found below:
Specific guidance for parents/carers can be found below and will be emailed direct to families (complete with individual pupil login details) as soon as possible following a notification of the start of Remote Education. Zoom will be used to provide daily ‘live lessons’ for all children (except Nursery) and a Code of Conduct for children, families and staff to adhere to can also be found below.
As most of our Remote Education provision will rely on children and families accessing the internet and using electronic devices, we recommend that all families engage in the following activities provided by, ‘Be Internet Legends’. More information can also be found here.
We’re keen to hear feedback from our families and during January 2021, we asked them to complete a survey to help us review our Remote Education offer and the support we are providing during this really challenging time for all. Please find a report below which details the very positive outcomes of this survey:
Example Remote Education Overviews and Timetables for the various age-groups in school can be found below and will be shared with children and their families via Google Classroom and Tapestry at the start of each week (or the start of any period of Remote Education if this falls mid-week).
In order to support families with Remote Education and the use of our chosen online platforms, we have created the following documents to help answer some of the parent/carer questions we get asked the most. There is also a set of instructions explaining how to access Zoom. Hopefully these will solve many technical problems but if parents/carers have any further questions they can contact or the main school office.
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