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Learning outside of the classroom is a really important part of the curriculum at Clifton Green. We believe in enriching the lives of our pupils through meaningful hands-on and ‘live’ learning experiences. From Nursery through to Year Six, we have an exciting programme of Educational Visits carefully planned to expose children to a wide range of educational opportunities within York and the surrounding areas. We are blessed to live in a city with superb cultural, historical and geographical features and we are passionate about capitalising on these within our teaching.
School Grounds
Our fantastic school grounds provide further opportunities including our large 2.5 acre playing field used for PE and extra-curricular sporting activities. We also have an acre of community woodland used for Forest School and outdoor curriculum learning throughout the year. The wood allows children to explore and observe the changing seasons in a natural environment, right within the heart of our urban setting. Pupils quickly learn to identify a growing variety of species of plants, trees, birds, min-beasts as well as spot signs of mammal activity, including foxes, squirrels and wood mice. The children spend time being creative with natural materials, building dens, developing their own imaginative play and enjoying the huge pleasure of sitting around a small campfire.
Residential Opportunities
To build the resilience and independence of our children, we have recently developed new residential opportunities from Years 2 to 6. Starting with a sleep-over in their classrooms for Y2, we progress to camping outside in Y3, staying in a coastal Youth Hostel for Y4, a stay in a London hotel in Y5 and finally a week at an adventure centre for our Y6 children. We believe these are all very important, formative experiences which help our young people grow in confidence and broaden their horizons.
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