
Computing is an important life skill. Technology is part of everyday life and for most of us, it is essential to our lives at home and at work. At Clifton Green Primary School, learning in Computing intends to develop learners who have a deep knowledge and understanding of computer sciences and are confident in the use of a range of devices and software that they can use to support them in their learning across the curriculum and in the wider world.

Within Computing lessons, children will be taught age appropriate content which has been broken down into small manageable chunks so that it builds on prior knowledge and is achievable for the vast majority of children. Teachers will develop the four basic strands of programming and computer science, online safety, knowledge application and communication and multimedia. Children will be introduced to the strands through the ‘Teach Computing’ scheme of work – a clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum and which builds, revisits and progresses skills throughout each key stage. As well as opportunities underpinned within the scheme of work, children will also spend time further exploring the key issues associated with online safety such as digital communication, cyberbullying, security, plagiarism and social media.

Computing lessons will be taught as part of a weekly timetable or in blocks, whichever works for the topic or skills being taught. In school, we are lucky to have a wide range of equipment to facilitate learning such as Ipads for multimedia work, Google suite to develop knowledge application and communication and programmable robots to support programming and computer science. Each pupil in Years 2-6 has their own Chromebook and these are used daily to support cross curricular learning as well as practice everyday essentials such as research and touch typing.

To find out more about our how our Computing curriculum progresses throughout school, please take a look at our overview documents below:

Coming soon…


Supporting learning at home

To help your child to develop their computing knowledge and skills outside of school, you might like to refer to the following websites:

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