
Children should be in school, on time, every day unless they are unwell and unable to attend.

The better a child’s attendance the higher they achieve and research shows that attendance levels at primary school have an impact on GCSE results at the end of secondary school.

We aim for children to have 100% attendance at school. However, we also understand that there are times when a child will be ill and may be absent.

Any child whose absence falls below 90% or around 19 days off over the year is classified by the Government as a Persistent Absentee. If your child’s attendance approaches this figure our attendance and pastoral team will contact you to discuss how we will work together to improve it.

Good attendance is acknowledged and celebrated in a number of different ways throughout the week and over the year.


If your child is ill please let us know as early as possible by calling the school on 01904 936948. If we do not hear from you we will contact you once school has started.

If you are unsure whether your child should be at school please click on the link below for more advice.



Where possible, medical appointments should be made outside of school time or if it is in school time children should attend the school before and/or after their appointment.



Schools are unable to authorise absence for holidays or other requests for time off school unless there are exceptional circumstances. Family holidays should be booked during the 13 weeks of school holidays. If you do need to request time off school for your child, please complete and return the form below as far in advance as possible.

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