Family support

At Clifton Green, family & community is a massive part of everything we do. We are proud to be a school who works closely with our families to help support them as much as we can. There are times when you may need some advice or support with your child’s emotional wellbeing, or you may need some external support to help with any challenges you may be facing as a family.

Our pastoral team are more than happy to speak to parents or carers about any difficulties they may be experiencing. If we can not help you as a school, we will try our best to signpost you to the appropriate external agencies.

If you would like to talk to the pastoral team, please do not hesitate to contact Natalie Boyne (Pastoral Lead & Mental Health Lead) on or Claire Hardy (Pastoral Support) on

If you would prefer to speak to a member of the pastoral team face to face then please come along to our weekly coffee morning on a Thursday 8.45-9am in the canteen.

Pupils playing

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