Our community

Our school is at the heart of our vibrant, diverse, local community.

We regularly welcome families and wider community members into school for a range of events and activities and we work together to provide interesting and exciting opportunities and support one another. Community events and activities held throughout the school year include:

  • weekly coffee mornings
  • Family Tea sessions (cooking workshops for children and their families)
  • Bonfire Night
  • Christmas Fair
  • Summer Fair
  • book breakfasts (children and their families sharing books together whilst enjoying breakfast)
  • Harvest festival, Carol Concert and Easter celebrations at our local churches
  • special celebration assemblies
  • carol singing in the community.

We have strong partnerships with local charities and businesses which help us to provide interesting and supportive opportunities for our children and their families. We are extremely lucky to receive donations from local businesses who want to support specific events and projects. A small group of school staff and community members work together to help us to take care of our school grounds and our Friends of School group provide vital fundraising through exciting events.

"We are very happy with the school thanks to its concentration on pupil wellbeing and happiness - our children want to learn."

Parent/Carer, July 2023

We’d really like to develop our community offer further and would love to hear from you if you would like to be involved or have any great ideas to share. Please see the contact page for details about how to get in touch with us.

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