Copyright © 2025 Clifton Green Primary School all rights reserved. | VAT No. 87654321 | School URN: 121283 | School DFE: 816/2018 | Charity No. 1052389
Our menu is designed to meet the nutritional standards that healthy growing children need and also caters for all allergies or other dietary needs. We serve school meals on plates, not flight trays, and have a range of free range, local and organic items on the menu. Feel free to come and chat with us if your child has a dietary requirement.
School meals are currently charged at £2.40 per day per child, or £12.00 per week per child and should be paid for using ParentPay.
All pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a Free School Meal and older children may be, depending on parental income.
To find out about Free School Meal eligibility and apply, please visit the City of York information page here. If your child qualifies for Free School Meals, it’s important we know as, even if they take a packed lunch, this enables us to claim Pupil Premium.
ParentPay offers you the freedom to make payments whenever and wherever you like, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – safe in the knowledge that the technology used is of the highest internet security available.
Each family has a secure online account, activated using a unique username and password. Families with more than one child at our school, or children at other ParentPay schools including Vale of York and Joseph Rowntree secondary schools, you can create a single account login for all your children.
The office issues every child with an activation letter with a username and password. If you have lost your activation letter or you are unable to access the internet at home you are welcome to use the computers in the library at school. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you need assistance or have any questions.
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